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**email for ONE-on-ONE inquiries**

RedBone in Miss Exotic World at The Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender
RedBone at The International Vancouver Burlesque Festival
Oh you know, just loungin'...


This class is one big warm up (or cool down) that consists of deep stretching exercises throughout the entire body.  This is the perfect class for anyone wanting to get a more stretch time with light movement. ALL DANCE LEVELS WELCOME!


Please bring: Water, towel, and prepare to be barefoot

Attire: wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move and stretch in


WORKSHOP: Make Choreography EASY

All dance moves can be altered to fit any setting simply by changing the music, intention or mental picture of what you are creating aka freestyling.  RedBone will teach a simple combination of steps that you will then repeat with several different genres of music, characters and visualization.

Attire: wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move and stretch in

*Handouts will be provided.


WORKSHOP: Stop, Drop & Roll

2015 Burlesque Hall of Fame competitor RedBone, will teach you the basics of the sexy transition to the floor, which is something every burlesque performer needs!

Stop - teaches you to hold your space within your movement and utilize your breath to engage your next movement/step!

Drop - the basics of a transition to the floor to make your act even more dynamic with physical levels.

Roll - and gives you what to do when you are finally down there...a roll that will make anyone sizzle and give you the confidence to work it out on the floor!


Please bring: Water, towel, knee pads and dance heels

Attire: wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move and stretch in



RedBone will show you the basics of getting down! We'll start with warm up learn some basic tops, transitions to the floor, footwork, freezes, get ups and end with a freestyle cypher/Q&A.


Breaking or Breakdance (as it’s known to the masses) or BBoying/BGirling is a style of dance that encoumpasses many energy flows, levels and body parts which in turn allows you to use of ALL your muscle groups. You don’t have to be a trained dancer or even flexible.  Breaking is a style of dance that you can adapt to your body and actually…. you’re supposed to.


The goal of this intro class is to assist in gaining upper body, core and lower body strength through a variety of dance moves versus your more common strengthening exercises.


Please bring: a scull cap/beanie, knee pads, outer hoodie/sweat shirt, water, snack and a towel.

Attire: comfortable clothes that are easy to move and stretch in and in studio only sneakers


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